Sunday, August 13, 2006

thoughts running through my head

It is 2:56am and I guess I'm suffering a bit of jet lag as I can't sleep... While I was desperately trying to get to sleep I was thinking about the past week when I attended the E-Learning Developers Conference in Salt Lake City. The two people that made the biggest impression on me there were Brent Schlencker who runs a great blog on eLearning and Nathan Kracklauer from Enspire Learning, who has some great ideas about instructional design and how to make eLearning more fun. Then I started thinking about the chaos of my flight back home to The Netherlands after the news broke about London and how air-travel in the future could get really boring if you aren't even allowed to bring a book on some long-distance flight. Then BANG! This idea came to me... What about applying eLearning to air-travelers? Wouldn't it be really cool if for example you could start learning a foreign language while you're on your flight? Most long-distance planes now have this personal entertainment system and it can't be that hard to design something for that. And perhaps even charge a small amount of money for learning the basics of a language? Or how about getting some eBooks on that system? That way passengers can still read while they're on that long flight. Make the books interactive and the fun gets even better!

So these thoughts were running through my head and stopped me from falling asleep again. Then I started thinking about something my NLP trainer, Christiene, once jokingly said to me about my "idea-generator". Why wouldn't I drop all my ideas (and oh boy, I have a few) into a blog, just like Brent did? And I got so excited that sleeping was totally out of the question and I had to get up and create this blog. So here goes... I'll be adding thoughts to this blog as they come to me. Some of my ideas may already exist, some may be new. I'd be very interested in your comments on them. And who knows what our eLearning world will look like in the (near) future, or our air experience for that matter :-)

1 comment:

bschlenker said...

Hi Geraldine! Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the sessions. Its GREAT to see people putting their learnings into action. Glad to see you in the blogosphere, and looking forward to more.
Cheers! Brent